Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Month + in Pictures

My new teaching position, along with my aversion to sitting, and finally clinched by the fact that Ethan "hid" our camera cord, I have been neglecting this blog. There have been plenty of things to write about but finding the time has been difficult. I hope this story in pictures will make up for my absence.

Here's Ethan (and friends) at his buddy Erin's birthday party. Erin's in the crown. Derek, Ethan's best bud, is across from him.
Feeding Daddy cake.


The next day was Easter, so here is Jake and Ethan during their Easter egg hunt at Gram and Pop Pop's.

The kids didn't really want to stop the hunt to pose!

Proud Auntie "La La" and Uncle "Kiss"

We celebrated the March/April birthdays that day as well.

Both Jake and Ethan got a wheelbarrow (literally) full of loot from the Easter bunny!

Daddy reads to Ethan before bed. Recently, Ethan has started requested Daddy read every night by saying, "Dadda dooks! Dadda dooks!" Fine with me.

At the end of April, Ethan came down with a strange bug that really knocked him down. We did a lot of cuddling.

So sad, yet so cute.

Here are the best buds playing on a rainy day. My good friend, Catherine, is Derek's mom. Ethan is a little in love with her. He talks about her non-stop. Whenever I say we're going anywhere, Ethan asks, "Derek Mama?"

The boys' favorite thing to do is to push their little push toys from our garage to our neighbors and repeat the process over and over.

Ethan and I made blueberry lemon almond muffins on Mother's Day. Ethan tried to eat the peeled lemon rind. He did not like it.

Two pacifiers! That's so silly!

More reading. This kid is definitely the product of two teachers.

Ethan with his rake, helping Daddy. One of Will's students gave him an Empire Guy bobblehead that Will has now given to Ethan. Super.
We don't get tired of giving him a mohawk.

Here are Will and I at a friend's wedding. Congratulations Marty and Debbie. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of you two!

My best college girlfriends, Annie and Susie, and loyal followers of the blog. This is your shout out!

We went to see the dinosaur exhibit at the zoo over Memorial Day weekend. Despite this face, Ethan really liked it. He was not scared at all!

Here we are in the dolphin underwater viewing area.

And this is Ethan watching for sea lions, his favorite. Every time they come near him, he backs away from the glass. It's hilarious.

Here is a far away picture of one of two window boxes now up on the house - and filled. Part of my Mother's Day present is that Will put them up and I got to fill them. My mom helped.

Here's a view of another one, along with the front porch, which is also filled with red geraniums. I just love it!!!

And a closeup.